Refunds are used to facilitate the return of an already paid item/s, so that the customer can get their money back.
The NomadPOS app offers two ways to handle refunds:
- Within a sale: By design, the app allows operators to refund an item during a sale. They're prompted to confirm the refund price and sell other items in the same sale transaction
The ‘Refund’ button present against each product in the basket is used for refund purposes
Refunds are still considered to be a sale, even if there are only refunded items in the transaction. The Total Items in the sale only includes items being purchased, it excludes any refund items (so it will show as [0] if it only contains refund items).
- Refunded items show in the shopping basket with a positive unit price, and a negative quantity and extended price.
- Refunded items show on reports and in the NMC Transactions function with negative values for extended Price, tax, and quantity. This will impact Grand Totals on the reports.