The Products


The Products module is where you perform all product and pricing maintenance, including:

  • adding new products
  • searching for a specific product
  • editing price and product details
  • creating promotions
  • deleting a product at the end of its product life or discontinued.
  • designate a product as PLB Restricted Product via Category Settings and Product Maintenance Page

All product changes are automatically updated to the POS applications (via an active internet connection). The operator is required to sign out and back in to see the change/s, or wait for the next auto-sync on the app.

Product: Field Definitions - Overview

This section describes the meaning of each of the tabs/fields.

Tip [*] Denotes a mandatory field during product creation.
Product Tab Fields Usage
Product code* Your organisation's number to identify the product. Must be unique. Max 30 characters.
Description* The generic name of the product. Max 40 characters. The name may be truncated on the POS app.
Extended Description Extra product information (optional)
Measurement Description The standard unit of measurement of the product, in size, volume, weight, fluid measurement, or pack E.g. g, ml, lt, PK (optional)
Product Category* The category the product belongs to. See NMC Setup Tasks – Categories.
Message Option to display a message on the POS application when this product is sold (eg offer warranty). See POS Selling Options - Messages.
Selling Info Tab Fields Usage
Description Used where a product is sold in multiple packs, to record the selling size in the description.
Pack Description* The quantity the product is sold in, such as single, 2kg, 6pk.
Units per Pack The number of units in a single sold product.
Hidden Stops a product from showing in the nomadPOS app. Used to hide products needed for setup, such as gift card. This flag is only passed through if it has been mapped in your POS solution.
Image URL The selected image shows in the POS app.
Barcodes* May be the barcode of the product (usually on its packaging), or a PLU. Must be unique. All barcodes for a product should be listed on the same product record.
Barcode - Default Applied The barcode which will display, when only one product per selling quantity is displayed.