
There are 3 receipt options – print , or go the green route and send a digital receipt or no receipt at all!

Option 1 – Print Receipt

  1. Pair an external Bluetooth printer to the device, if one will be used. The only external Bluetooth printer currently supported is the HPRT printer
  2. Tapping Print Receipt automatically prints the receipt on the printer installed. An error message is displayed if a printer hasn't been paired yet
  3. You can issue the same receipt multiple times; you can return to the Home screen once you select No receipt, Thanks.
  4. If a customer returns and requests a receipt from a past sale, you can print the receipt via the Transactions function.

Image of Categories with Images

Option 2 – Email Receipt

Enter the customer’s email id. Emails are sent from the default account set up on the device

Image of Categories with Images

Click on ‘Done’ to send out the email receipt to the intended recipient

Image of Categories with Images