PLB Restricted Products - DXC Central Platform

The PLB Settings enables the POS to save and validate the merchant, POS provider, and payment provider unique details so that it will be able to connect to Central Platform. This also utilizes the processing logic that determines whether a CDC transaction includes restricted products and so must be declined.

Below PLB related configurations from NMC affects the Card Transaction on POS.

NMC Configurations

Configuration Description NMC Configuration Name Actual Configuration Name
PLB Functionality This is used to enable or disable all PLB related functionality Master config for all related PLB configs enablePLB
CDC BIN List of CDC BINs that the app will use to identify CDC payments CDC BIN Numbers (comma delimited) cdcBinNumbers
PLB Enforcement Disable and Enable product level blocking in the App during card payment Disable blocking enforcement disableBlockingEnforcement

Configuration set up on NMC

  • Master config for all related PLB configs is set to TRUE - this means that it will run all PLB related functionalities
  • CDC BIN - List of CDC BINs that the app will use to identify CDC payments
  • Disable blocking enforcement is set to FALSE – this means that product level blocking in the App during card payment is enabled

Finalising a Transaction with PLB Products on the basket using a CDC card will result on the following:

  • The App will display a scrollable list of restricted products.

Image of Categories with Images

  • Selecting the Continue button will direct you back to the Payment Option screen, restricted products would remain in the basket. You should be able to finalize transaction using other payment mechanism (e.g. Cash, Non-CDC)
  • While selecting the Remove Restricted Items button will direct you back to the Payment Option screen, restricted products would have automatically been removed.

For more information on restricted items, you may visit CDC Merchant Portal - Home.